Mold prototyping


Our company specialises in designing and producing prototypes for any industrial sector. We offer our capacity and skills to give shape to an idea, starting from a design or a sample or directly taking care of the project.
Mevar supports customers to understand in detail the minimum particulars of every project in order to prevent any imprecision that can occur during the production phase. We make prototypes in aluminium, iron, stainless steel, brass, copper, titanium and plastic.
Costruzione prototipi
Available technologies
Prototyping consists in making a sample or a small lot and planning a serial production process.
A prototype can be made using various techniques:
Based on the project we identify the best technology to achieve it.
Are you a designer or a creative person? Make your sample with us!
Are you a designer, a blacksmith, an engineer, an architect, a creative person? Contact us and we will make a sample of the item you designed.
We create design prototypes in a very short time and with respect for the privacy that each new initiative requires.
Prototipi di design